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Step-by-step diagram for children to draw a chicken with simple strokes and colors

Children, have you ever seen Chicken? We must have been unfamiliar with chickens when we first drew them. So, today I will introduce to you the simple drawings of chickens. Four We can draw a chicken in just one step. In the first step, we first draw the body of the chicken, which is curved. We also need to draw the feathers on the chicken’s butt
Step-by-step diagram for children to draw a chicken with simple strokes and colors
The above is a simple drawing of a beautiful chick. Next, we will draw the chick’s wings and comb, as well as the chick’s eyes and pointed mouth on the chick’s body. The third step is to draw the chick’s feet. Draw it out, and draw four toes. The fourth step is to color the drawn chicken, and the beautiful simple drawing of the chicken is ready.