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Kindergarten simple drawing lesson plan Christmas tree making

Kindergarten simple drawing lesson plan Christmas tree making
Kindergarten simple drawing lesson plan Christmas tree making
Kindergarten simple drawing lesson plan Christmas tree making

Activity goals: 1. Be able to draw and decorate Christmas trees freely based on life experience, and develop imagination.

2. Learn how to draw dehydrated paintings, and know that the colors of oil pastels and gouache should complement each other.

Highlights of the activity: Develop imagination and freely decorate the Christmas tree.

Activity preparation: 1. Draw a picture, using oil pastels, gouache, and gouache paint (several colors).

2. Children’s manipulation materials.

Activity process: 1. The conversation leads to activities to arouse children’s interest.

Question: Christmas is coming soon. There are many Christmas trees placed in shops and on the road. What do Christmas trees look like? What are on the trees?

2. Show demonstrations to arouse Young childrens interest in drawing.

Question: Take a look and think about it, what materials is this painting made of and how is it painted?

3. Teacher demonstrates.

First, use an oil pastel to draw a big tree in the middle of the paper. The shape of the tree crown is triangular. Then draw many gifts on the tree. Finally, apply the background color with gouache to cover the entire paper.

4. Discuss drawing methods with children.

(1) Question: This painting method is called dehydration painting. Why can’t the Christmas tree be stained with gouache paint? How to choose colors to make the Christmas tree more vivid?

 (2) Summary: Oil pastels are oily, so gouache paint cannot be stained. When using oil pastels, choose a different color from the gouache paint so that they can complement each other and make the Christmas tree look better.

 (3) Teacher, today, we will use oil pastels and gouache paint to draw a beautiful Christmas tree. What gifts do you want to turn into on the tree?

5. Children paint, guided by teachers.

Remind children to draw the Christmas tree larger, guide them to draw gifts of various shapes in a variety of colors, and use bold background colors.

6. Invite children to appreciate each other’s works and introduce the gifts they drew. Appreciate works with bright colors, clear lines, and rich imagination.

Event postponedExtension: Children make some Christmas gifts for good friends. Teachers and children can decorate the classroom together and celebrate Christmas.