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Habits of ladybugs

Ladybugs are beetle-like creatures that undergo complete metamorphosis in four stages: egg - larva - pupa - adult. The life cycle of ladybugs takes about 4 weeks, so they can reproduce for several generations every summer. The larvae are slender, soft, usually gray with blue, green, red or black spots and feed on other insects or insect eggs. It goes through 4 instars, then attaches to something and pupates in the skin of the last larvae. Large groups of ladybugs often spend the winter in the same location. There are so many species of ladybugs that we can find different species in the garden at any time. We can distinguish them by their color: some are yellow, some are orange or red; we can also distinguish them by their body shape, some are thin and small, and some are thicker. But the best way to identify them is by the spots on their bodies. Some ladybugs have two spots, some have nine, some have 12, and some have none.

Habits of ladybugs

This is a simple painting of a seven-star ladybug. The painting is exquisite and it is a good simple painting!

Simple drawing:Habits of ladybugs