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little ladybug

Body length 6.5~7.5mm. The elytra are red, with 3 black spots on the left and right sides, and a larger black spot in front of the joint. No similar species.

Female: Body length 5.70-7 mm, width 4-5.60 mm, hemispherical, smooth and hairless back. When it first emerges, the elytra are bright yellow and soft. After 3 to 4 hours, they gradually change from yellow to orange-red. At the same time, 7 black spots appear on the two elytra. The one below the small scute is a small scute, and the small scute is seamed by the sheath. Split in half. In addition, there are 3 black spots on each elytra, and 1 small triangular white spot on each side of the small scutellum at the base of the elytra.

little ladybug

Simple drawing:little ladybug