1. Draw an irregular circle, a little wider at the bottom than the top, this will form the bunnys head.

< p>2. Draw the rabbit’s ears. For each ear, use curved lines to form a long, narrow shape.

< p>3. Draw an oval shape under the bunnys head, which will form the body.

< p>4. Use curved lines to connect the head and body. On the bunnys chest, overlap a few curved lines to represent the fur.

< p>5. Erase the guide lines on the rabbit.

< p>6. Draw a curved line through the rabbits body, almost forming a circle. These are the rabbits legs. Draw a foot and wrap a curved line around the circle underneath the leg.

< p>7. Draw the front feet of the rabbit.

< p>8. Draw the rabbit’s fluffy tail.

9. Add details to the bunny’s face and ears.

< p>10. Color the bunny.