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Nicolaus Copernicus

Nicolaus Copernicus Nicolaus Copernicus

Nicholas Copernicus (Polish: Nikolaj Kopernik, February 19, 1473 - May 24, 1543, died at the age of 70) was a Polish astronomer, mathematician, and mathematician during the Renaissance. Doctor of Canon Law, Fr.

When Copernicus was 40 years old, he proposed the heliocentric theory, which denied the authority of the church and changed mankinds view of nature and itself. At that time, the Roman Catholic Church believed that his heliocentric theory violated the Bible. Copernicus still firmly believed in the heliocentric theory and believed that it was not inconsistent with it. After many years of observation and calculation, he completed his great work "On the Revolution of the Celestial Bodies".

In 1533, the 60-year-old Copernicus gave a series of lectures in Rome, but it was not until he was approaching his seventies that he finally decided to publish them. On May 24, 1543, the day Copernicus died, the publisher received a book he had written from Copernicus.

Copernicus’s “heliocentric theory” corrected people’s view of the universe. Copernicus was a giant of the European Renaissance. He devoted his life to the study of astronomy and left a valuable legacy for future generations.

The remains of Copernicus were reburied in Fromborg Cathedral, Poland, on May 22, 2010.

February 19, 2013 is the 540th anniversary of the birth of astronomer Copernicus. A series of activities are held across Poland to commemorate this great man who once changed mankind’s view of the universe.

Simple drawing:Nicolaus Copernicus