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Cute cartoon bee

Cute cartoon bee

Some people say that hard-working bees have no time to mourn. Yes! We humans must also learn from the spirit of bees. Whatever you do, as long as you work hard, you will gain something. On the contrary, if you don't work hard, you will fail. The life of a bee is short, but for the bee, it is very fulfilling. In addition to working, the worker bees are still working, and they never take a good rest to catch their breath. Because they know their life is too short to waste a single second. But we humans are very different. Some people spend all day eating, drinking, whoring, gambling, debauchery, and cynicism. Bees are about the same size as flies, but they are far larger than flies. Their spirit of generously devoting the honey obtained with their sweat to mankind is worth learning from. Bees rely on their eyes to find their way. It is said that a scientist placed 10 bees in an open space 1,000 meters away. Three days later, 7 of them returned home. Therefore, the experiment greatly proves that bees use their eyes to find their way. Bee, I love your hard work, wisdom and unity.

Simple drawing:Cute cartoon bee